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Tag: Nagaenthran Dharmalingham
CPJP Strongly Condemns the Execution of Nagaenthran K Dharmalingham in Singapore
We mourn the death of Nagaenthran, and send wishes of strength to Nagaen’s family, and the lawyers and activists who fought for Nagaen.
#savenagaenthran: Stop Nagen from being executed
After the recent dismissal of Nagaenthran Dharmalingam’s appeal to Singapore’s Court of Appeal, his family has received notice of his execution scheduled for 27 April 2022.
A mother's plea for her son's life
Nagenthran's mother pleads for the life of her intellectually disabled son (IQ: 69), asking mercy from the Singapore government.
Singapore: Halt Impending Execution of Intellectually Disabled Person
Capital Punishment Justice Project joins 27 organisations and networks and counsel M. Ravi in urging the Singaporean Government to immediately halt the impending execution of Nagaenthran K Dharmalingam.