"Wrongful Executions: an ever-present danger of capital punishment"

CPJP partners Julian Wagner Memorial Fund Inc., and Australians Against Capital Punishment invite you to an event on 9 March - "Wrongful Executions: an ever-present danger of capital punishment".

Listen to a presentation from Steve Bishop, author of The Most Dangerous Detective, as he discusses the 1958 case of the untrue confession via coercion that led to the wrongful conviction and subsequent execution of Raymond Bailey.

Date/Time: Thursday 9 March 2023, 5.00 pm – 7.30 pm

Address: Level 3, Brisbane Magistrates Court, 363 George Street, Brisbane

Cost: $50, with proceeds helping to enable JWMF to assist Australian lawyers on capital punishment cases overseas. The event will also be broadcast simultaneously on Zoom. 

Refreshments provided.

Purchase your tickets here, or receive your Zoom link: https://events.humanitix.com/wrongful-executions-an-ever-present-danger-of-capital-punishment/tickets


Leveraging law and politics to abolish the death penalty for drug offences


In Conversation with Kirsten Han, Singaporean Journalist & Activist